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Fun and games with music (Phil Lunn) IMPROFEST WORKSHOP

martes, 20 agosto '24   10:00 – 17:00 CEST
Konstkollektivet, Pixbovägen 5, Mölndal, 431 36
Solo quedan 3 plazas
Fun and games with music (Phil Lunn) IMPROFEST WORKSHOP


​In this workshop, we’ll learn some musical improv skills through doing short form games.

We’ll look at:

• Some simple formats that create great songs

• Working together to create effective improvised choreography

• Short form formats that are ready-to-perform,

fun for both the players and the audience It’s aimed at people who have had some experience of musical improv, though not much is needed. The idea is to learn a series of games that are ready to perform. 

Phil Lunn

I’m an improviser from London, UK. I’ve been improvising both on stage and behind the piano for about f ifteen years. I’ve taught improv with several leading UK companies including Hoopla Impro, The Nursery and The Maydays. I’ve also been invited to teach at several venues across Europe both at festivals and other events. During 2020-21, I was co-director of ImproBubble in Brussels. I’ve since returned to London and resumed teaching with Hoopla Impro (the biggest improv school in the UK) and coaching new groups. I consider my specialisms to be musical improv and characters.


The workshop is suitable for performers with all levels of experience.

Konstkollektivet, Mölndal
Room: Spegelsalen



Fun and games with music (Phil Lunn) IMPROFEST WORKSHOP

Disponible con:
This workshop will be in English.From Mölndals centrum you can take the bus 751 LILA Express from Mölndals Bro to Gamla torget. And then walk about 600 meters.
900,00 kr


Pixbovägen 5
431 36