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Half-Term Outdoor Holiday Club - at Christ Church

miércoles, 29 mayo '24   10:00 – 15:00 UTC
Christ Church Kensington, Victoria Road, (entrance of the garden across house 81, at the end of Victoria Rd), London, W8 5RQ
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Half-Term Outdoor Holiday Club - at Christ Church

Lista de espera

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Se le notificará por correo electrónico si una plaza queda disponible.
Esto es opcional pero puede ser útil para el organizador del evento.


We are excited for the return of our Outdoor Adventure Holiday Club to the Growing Space at Christ Church!

This half-term kids will get the chance to:

– Enjoy gardening and woodland exploration in the fresh air and sunshine.

– Create nature art and let their imaginations run wild.

– Take part in forest school activities, and make smores or popcorn over a small fire (weather permitting).

– Experience enriching recreation such as creating a wormery, tomato castle, bug hotel, or making a terrarium.

– Play active games, sing songs, and listen to stories.

Based on Montessori philosophy and delivered by an experienced early years educator, our holiday clubs support children to:

– Improve their fine motor skills, self-discipline, problem-solving, and confidence.

– Experience sensory exploration, freedom of choice, and creative expression.

– Develop life skills such as independence, communication, collaboration, and patience.

– Learn about ecosystems, life cycles, recycling, and active responsibility in an applied setting which further consolidates their understanding.

– Grow an appreciation for nature, sustainability and wildlife protection.

But most of all, they get a relaxed, supportive and screen-free environment to socialise and have fun with their friends!

Begin the adventure and secure your child’s place today.


This is a drop-off day club.
Sessions will run rain or shine. Tarpaulins and covers will be provided as needed.

Please check the weather forecast and dress children appropriately, with closed shoes and waterproof clothing. Don't forget sun protection on sunny days and extra layers as needed

All attendees have to take any rubbish home so we recommend to avoid bringing anything disposable or with plastic packaging.



Regular Admission

Price per child per day is £66 including VAT


Christ Church Kensington
Victoria Road
(entrance of the garden across house 81, at the end of Victoria Rd)
W8 5RQ

Please ring the bell or call 07418084468 if you see the gate closed. Thank you.


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