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Join our Summer Term Waiting List 馃尀

s谩bado, 10 febrero '24   365 d铆as
Completamente lleno

Lista de espera

No quedan plazas para este evento, pero puede agregarse a la lista de espera.

Ingrese sus datos a continuaci贸n para ser informado por correo electr贸nico cuando una plaza quede disponible. Deber谩 responder r谩pidamente al correo electr贸nico para asegurarse la plaza que quede disponible.

Se le notificar谩 por correo electr贸nico si una plaza queda disponible.
Esto es opcional pero puede ser 煤til para el organizador del evento.


Please register your interest now for our April Term 馃尀

Our six-week Spring term starts on the W/C 3rd of June and ends on the W/C 15th of July.

Price 拢54 per child (Sibling discounts available, please get in touch with us)

Monday - Great Baddow
Wednesday - Beaulieu
Thursday - Maldon
Friday - Hutton

Classes Available
Rocketeer Crew - Walking - 3 Years
Baby Rocketeer - 8 Weeks - Crawling

(Please make sure you have booked the correct class for your child)


Booking links for our Spring Term will be sent on Wednesday the 22nd of May at 8 pm.

Emails will be sent to everyone that has registered interest and not in any specific order. Please make sure you check your junk folder 馃摟


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