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Making Every Contact Count (MECC) skills training via Zoom (Closed Group)

Wednesday, 23 November '22   10am – 1:30pm GMT
Event cancelled

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


MECC Healthy Conversations is an approach that is used in millions of day to day interactions that organisations and individuals have with people, to support them in making positive changes, to both their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
This Free practical skills development training is for any workforces who interact with the public and have an opportunity to support health and wellbeing.
It has been delivered to a range of workforces including:
– doctors
– nurses
– allied health professionals
– housing teams
– library staff
– job centre staff
– social care staff
– many more
The training is very inclusive using participants own experiences and beliefs. Each session is unique as it uses these prior experiences to prompt reflection and improved practice. The training gives practical skills that can be used immediately following the course.
Rather than telling people what to do, Making Every Contact Count is about recognising opportunities to talk to people about their wellbeing using the skills of asking and listening.
We can offer MECC Healthy Conversation Skills training for healthcare professionals plus a range of resources, all designed to support learners to develop an understanding of public health and how having healthy conversations is everyone’s role.


Please use a laptop or PC for this session. You will also need uninterrupted time as the session is very interactive. A minimum of 6 attendees are needed for the session to run

Online event information
