Rounds:World Archery 50m (Compound and Barebow) / 70m (Recurve and other styles)
WA 60m and Archery GB Junior equivalents if space is available. (Please email if interested)
There will be 4 archers per target shooting in 2 details. Arrows will be shot in 4 minute timed ends of 6 arrows.
Equipment Inspection will take place prior to sighters.
Judges: Steve Allen assisted by Richard Carpenter and Phil Rees
Entry Fee: Seniors £14.00, Juniors £10.00
Entries via the webform linked from our website, which also has a payment method built in. All refunds will be at the discretion of the Tournament Organiser, but none will be made after the closing date.
Awards:Medals will be awarded to Archers shooting rounds appropriate to their age and gender on the following basis
1st - 1 Archer, 2nd - 2 Archers, 3rd – 3 or more Archers.
Veterans Award (Over 50’s both Recurve and Compound)
Recurve and Compound Teams subject to entries.
Timing:Assembly 9.30am followed by up to 45 minutes of practice. The competition will commence immediately afterwards.
Closing Date:Midnight, Sunday 28th April, after which no refunds will be given.
Refreshments: Refreshments will be available throughout the day. To try and be greener, we will not be using polystyrene cups. Please bring a suitable mug and we will fill it. Otherwise we will loan you a club mug.
• Drug Testing: Record status shoots will be liable for drug testing and competitors approached to give samples must comply; If they refuse that refusal will be treated as a positive result.
• Declaration: When signing the entry form you are declaring that you will comply with the Archery GB rules on dress, and that you are a paid up member of Archery GB or World Archery (Please ensure you bring evidence of membership as it will be checked at registration)
• That the following information may be collected and shared with tournament organisers, scoring systems and other competitors. Some information may also be published in documents or lists relating to the event, and at a schedule decided by the organisers.
These include your name, gender, bow style, date of birth or age category, round, disability information, email address, contact numbers, club, county, region and any Archery GB assigned codes for this information.
• Special Requirements: To help us accommodate any special requirements you may have please note them on your entry and discuss them with the Tournament Organiser.
• Photography: Persons wishing to take photographs/video at this tournament must sign the log book held with the Tournament Organiser.
• Juniors: If you are a Junior competing as a Senior, please make this clear on your entry.
This event will be held on our own grounds and as such we are very restricted by the number of targets we can now accommodate. Please enter early to avoid disappointment.
Camping: Some camping will be available on the far left hand side of the field. Please contact the Tournament Organiser.
Alternative camping is available nearby. Please see our website for details.
Liability: Exmouth Archers or East Devon District Council and their members cannot accept responsibility for vehicles or property left on the grounds.
Organiser: Timothy Pratt, Email
Paperwork: Confirmation of entry will be sent via email. Target Lists and results will be available on our website or
Directions:Please see the directions posted separately on our website. Postcode for SATNAV: EX8 5EE
Cost | ||
Senior 70m (122cm face)
6 available
£14.00 | |
Senior 60m (122cm face)
1 available
£14.00 | |
Senior 50m (80cm face, 10 - 5)
8 available
£14.00 | |
Senior 50m (122cm face)
10 available
£14.00 | |
5 available
£10.00 |