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Living Table: Flora

Saturday, 8 July '23   2pm – 5pm BST
Forgan Arts Centre, 59 Kirk Road, Newport-on-Tay, DD6
Fully booked
Living Table: Flora

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Living Table: Flora is an event about our relationship with plants. The event will present the research and practice of environmentalist Dr Helena Simmons and artists Amanda Thomson, and Susanne Nørregård Nielsen. Together we will collectively prepare a meal together using flora collected from the art centre's grounds and gardens. The presentations will include different perspectives on power, landscape, identity, and the human relationship to the natural environment rooted in current societal issues such as the environmental crisis, food insecurity, and socio-economic disparity.

“The term Flora usually refers to the natural vegetation of a particular geographic region or a scientific work that catalogues such vegetation. These meanings have evolved from a metonymy of the Roman goddess Flora...”

Dominik Berrens

Viola tea sandwiches 
Nasturtium poppers with cheese 

Spring rolls with creamy peanut and ginger dipping sauce 
Vegetable ceviche with flowers 

Lemon parfait with flowers 
Honey and lavender ice cream 

Water with flower iced cubes
Edible flower lemon jell-O shots 

Living Table is a project that invites people to share food and conversations about food. Monthly events will create opportunities for discussion, learning, cooking, eating, and growing.

Led by the G.R.E.E.N. Artist in Residence Désirée Coral Guerra, Living Table is inspired by the life that grows around a table: from the life of insects that pollinate crops to the cultural and political life made manifest in recipes, traditions, and dinner table habits; from micro-organisms to human-migration.


Please note, this meal includes allergens and is not vegan. Please contact if you have any questions.



Living Table: Flora



Forgan Arts Centre
59 Kirk Road


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  • Baby changing