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A Weaving Together

Friday, 1 September '23   10am – 6pm BST
A Weaving Together


Drop-in and weave!

We welcome you to return to Forgan Arts Centre to put your new found weaving skills into practice.

On Friday 1 September from 10am we will be using the weaving techniques taught by Geoff Forrest in the first workshop to build the willow wattle fence in The Sentient Garden. We'd very much appreciate your help, drop in anytime from 10am. If you require any support to attend, please let us know.

Refreshments, tea, coffee and snacks provided.

A Weaving Together is organised as part of the creation of The Sentient Garden, a multisensory microcosm within the wider garden environment at Forgan Arts Centre.


The weaving will take place outside, so participants should wear sturdy footwear and prepare for the weather. Otherwise all materials will be provided. Hot drinks, cold drinks and snacks provided; you may like to bring a picnic lunch. The event will be relaxed, accessible to wheelchair users and there will be seating available. You can drop in at any time and stay as long as you like.



A Weaving Together
