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Introduction to Supporting Children's Mental Health and Well-Being - England and Wales at Farnborough Pyestock

lundi, 14 octobre '19   09:45 – 15:30 BST
Busy Bees at Farnborough (Pyestock), Armstrong Way, Pyestock, Farnborough, GU14 0LP
13 places disponibles


Who should attend this course?

You should attend this course if you work with children

What will I learn?

This course is designed to help you Promote Positive Mental Health within an Early Years setting and Fostering an Environment where Mental Health is recognised as part of your safeguarding children in their well-being.

Key Topics

  • Recognising Mental Health Awareness as an area of Safeguarding Children and how to identify children experiencing or at risk of experiencing mental health problems
  • Understanding that Mental Health problems can start in Early Years, even if they don’t present any symptoms initially.
  • Recognise the signs and behaviours that could point to a child or young person needing support to maintain their mental wellbeing.
  • Learn about attachment and brain development in infants and young children and how these are factors in Mental Health and that Promoting positive relationships is central to promoting good mental health and wellbeing for all babies.
  • Understand how to develop strategies to build resilience in young children and how the Environment they grow up in (and their ability to handle the pressures and stresses of growing up) can all play an important part in preventing problems from developing as they grow up
  • Develop knowledge and skills to support Parents and Carers in recognising if or when a child is in need, supporting families through signposting them to further support and help.



Introduction to Supporting Children's Mental Health and Well-Being - England and Wales at Farnborough Pyestock

13 disponibles


Busy Bees at Farnborough (Pyestock)
Armstrong Way
GU14 0LP