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Overview of 9544: The Positive Supports Rule - Virtual Classroom

Overview of 9544: The Positive Supports Rule - Virtual Classroom

Il s'agit d'un événement en ligne.

Les instructions pour rejoindre l'événement seront fournies après la réservation.

Dates de cette série d'événements

  • mer, 29 mars '23   09:00 – 12:00 CDT  - terminé
  • jeu, 30 mars '23   09:00 – 12:00 CDT  - terminé


"I didn’t even know about this Rule! I thought I only needed to follow 245D! Isn’t this only for providers who use emergency restraints?" Providers are often caught off guard when faced with a licensing citation for Rule 9544 (the Positive Supports Rule) during their 245D licensing visit. All 245D providers must also comply with 9544 and your licensor will be checking! In this two-part virtual course, you will learn the basics of the Positive Supports Rule. We encourage people who attend The Nuts and Bolts of Chapter 245D Program Standards to also attend this course to help broaden their understanding of compliance for a more complete picture.

CEUs: 7.2 for Nurses, 6 for Social Workers



A recording of these sessions will not be available.



Virtual Classroom - Early Bird Discount

Ticket pour toute la série d'événements - pour toutes les 2 dates.
Disponible jusqu'au mer 8 mars '23 09:00

Virtual Classroom

Ticket pour toute la série d'événements - pour toutes les 2 dates.
Disponible jusqu'au mer 29 mars '23 08:00

Informations sur l'événement en ligne
