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Backbending Workshop

samedi, 19 novembre '22   09:30 – 11:30 GMT
St Leonards Church Hall, Donaldson Gardens, St Andrews, KY16 9DN
7 places disponibles
Backbending Workshop


Would you like to feel comfortable and confident in your backbends? Learn to move into deeper backbends without fear and pain. In this workshop we shall look at how to stretch and strengthen the body to progress with backbends. Including more restorative work and active yoga postures, with variations to suit everybody. We will delve into postures that can help deepen your backbends and techniques to help you move with comfort and ease, building towards urdvha dhanurasana (wheel) as our peak pose.

This workshop is suitable for all levels of practitioner, some yoga experience is reccomended.






St Leonards Church Hall
Donaldson Gardens
St Andrews
KY16 9DN