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Embracing Balance: The Spring Equinox and its Connection with Yoga

samedi, 23 mars '24   09:30 – 12:30 GMT
Shirley House, 31 Psalter Lane, Nether Edge, Sheffield, S11 8YL

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As the spring equinox heralds the arrival of renewal, it serves as a cosmic reminder of balance and interconnectedness. Yoga, deeply rooted in principles of harmony, seamlessly aligns with the equinox's themes of equilibrium and transformation.

Yogic postures such as Tree Pose and Warrior III, when integrated into equinox practices, symbolize stability and a grounded connection to the Earth. These poses, combined with breathwork like alternate nostril breathing and transformative meditations, deepen the sense of inner and outer balance.

Beyond physical movements, the equinox becomes a reflective time for yogis to set intentions. This involves letting go of imbalances and making room for personal growth. In this dance of renewal and positive change, practitioners synchronize their journey with the natural rhythms of the Earth.

In essence, the spring equinox invites individuals to harmonize with the universe's perpetual transformation, finding a profound connection to the evolving cycles of nature. It is a poignant reminder that, like the seasons, our lives are in constant flux, and through yoga, we can navigate this ever-changing landscape with grace and balance.


Please bring a Yoga mat and a blanket with you. You can also bring any other yoga equipment you may have but I will bring yoga blocks anyway.
Class starts at 9.30am, so please arrive 10 minutes earlier to settle in. Car parking is in the car park of St.Andrew's church, next door, or on the streets around.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.



Full Waged

This ticket is for those that can afford the full price.

Low waged

This ticket is for those that cannot afford the full price.


Shirley House
31 Psalter Lane
Nether Edge
S11 8YL


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