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Sound Bath with Phil Gibson

samedi, 30 mars '24   17:00 – 18:00 GMT
Yoga Dragon Studio, The Glassworks, Butterfield Street, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 1NZ
Seulement 2 places disponibles
 Sound Bath with Phil Gibson


Spring equinox marks a time as the official end of Winter. A promise of fresh beginnings, signs of spring bursting forth new life, enticing us towards warmer sunnier days and lighter nights. A time to celebrate new beginnings, new possibilities and astrologically we are beginning a new cycle - you might think of it as nature's new year. 

The energies are encouraging and there is an air of freshness and rebirthing. Fertile with the opportunity for growth in body, mind and spirit - the perfect time to join in a celebration of the awakening of Spring.

Join us for a practice to reawaken your body to the season. Helen will guide you through a practice that is steeped in the wisdom of 5 Element Theory - an eastern philosophy based on Natures cycles, especially tending to the Liver and Gallbladder which are most affected in this season. 

Move through what is calling you to be released and call on what is longing to emerge as we call in the new season. 

The practice will include dynamic Vinyasa, a meditation journey, reflection and relaxation. 


Please arrive no later than 10 mins before the start time.



Sound Bath with Phil Gibson

3 disponibles
Sound Bath with Phil Gibson event admission at Yoga Dragon.


Yoga Dragon Studio
The Glassworks
Butterfield Street

Paid parking is available at Cable Street Car Park and Wood Street Car Park both two minutes away from the studio.


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