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Breathwork for stress, anxiety and overwhelm

Thursday, 26 September '24   5pm – 6pm BST
KW - Breathwork for stress, anxiety and overwhelm
9 spaces available
Breathwork for stress, anxiety and overwhelm

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


Breathwork is the only route into the nervous system which makes it such a powerful practice. Research shows that deep full breaths regulate the nervous system by toning the vagus nerve (the parasympathetic nervous system). When we have patterns of anxiety and overwhelm our sympathetic nervous system (flight and fight) will have us feeling tense and on the go. The breath becomes shallow and rapid and this will perpetuate feelings of anxiety.
In this workshop you will:-

• learn about the stress resource
• be introduced to the window of tolerance
• be guided through a diaphragmatic training sequence to regulate the nervous system and develop a fuller, deeper breath. This will support sleep, regulate emotions and improve digestion. This exercise is carried out on the floor.

• Have two heavy-ish books to hand and a blanket


The themes and experiences we discuss in these sessions can be challenging and may evoke strong emotions. Finding a quiet and private space to take part will help you and others in the group to feel safe as we explore these themes together.
We strive to create a safe space in each session where we invite you to prioritise your own wellbeing. Some conversations may be difficult depending on your own experiences so please feel free to take a break or reach out for support if you need it.

Online event information

KW - Breathwork for stress, anxiety and overwhelm