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Renown PL/APL Training Camp

péntek, 8 június '18   18:00 – 15:15 BST
Thriftwood Scout Campsite, Orchard Avenue, Brentwood, CM13 2DP


Training Camp for Renown Troop PLs & APLs

Please note this is for Patrol Leaders and Asst Patrol Leaders only

The weekend will consist of formal training on camping skills including: -
· Pitching and striking of tents
· Construction of camp gadgets
· Construction of a Woodpile (including qualities of suitable wood for burning)
· Instruction on the safe use of an axe and saw
· Building of and sustaining an open fire
· Food hygiene and cooking

Additionally, the scout’s will get a chance to partake in a number of outdoor activities such as crate stacking, which provides a great opportunity for the PL’s and APL’s to perfect their teamwork and communication skills.

We hope that all the PL’s and APL’s who are attending Summer Camp will be able to attend this training weekend so they can either learn, or brush up on the skills they will need to use throughout Summer Camp. Being a PL or an APL at camp is not an easy task and the more skills that the PLs and APLS have, the easier their role will be. If your son is not planning to attend summer camp they are still more than welcome to attend this camp.

A final letter will be sent around nearer the event including directions to our campsite within Thriftwood campsite.




Elérhető k. 8 máj. '18 07:00-ig
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Thriftwood Scout Campsite
Orchard Avenue
CM13 2DP