Ugrás a fő tartalomra


szombat, 13 június '20   2 nap
Browne School of Art, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 1021
12 hely elérhető


Course Code: SCMP220
Tutor: Zoë Nash
When: Sat & Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm
Dates: 13 & 14 June 2020
Maximum Enrolment: 12

Cost: $195

Many of our favourite artists make use of their own histories, memories and personal stories as source material for their art making (Frida Kahlo, Tracey Emin, George Shaw, Peter Doig, to name but a few …). Memories are a point of connection between individuals as well as a means of ascertaining a sense of self. One could argue that all art is autobiographical …

In this two-day workshop we begin with an overview and discussion of selected artists and their work before students embark on their own journeys back in time to unlock inspiration for the creation of new works.

Aimed at students with some painting and drawing experience, who are self-motivated and able to work independently, we aim to create a fully resolved art piece by the end of the weekend. There is free choice regards media and method. Your tutor will assist you in fully exploring all possibilities and helping you to refine your decisions, ensuring that the work you make is open and engaging for a wide audience despite its very personal origins.



Standard Booking

Elérhető szo. 6 jún. '20 10:00-ig
Online payment includes payment fee of 2.9% + NZ$0.30. Offline payment details on confirmation page.

Standard Booking + $10.00 BSA Student Fund - Donation

A $10 donation will go to our BSA Student Fund - helping those who are unwaged or under financial hardship (with a Community Services Card) to attend our courses.


Browne School of Art
194 Great North Road
Grey Lynn