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RIDING THE WAVES | a one day workshop with Nikki Ashley

sabato, 20 aprile '24   11:00 – 18:00 BST
Harting Community Hall, Pease Croft, South Harting, Petersfield, GU31 5LB
12 posti disponibili
RIDING THE WAVES | a one day workshop with Nikki Ashley


'I know that if a wave of energy is allowed to complete itself it yields a whole new wave. In fact, that is all I really know.' Gabrielle Roth

The Wave is a movement journey through the 5Rhythms of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. It is a medicine map of how energy moves. Everytime we dance the wave it’s a different journey, although the structure remains the same - we begin, we rise, the wave breaks at its peak, lightens and finds a moment of ending. Everytime we dance the wave there is potential for huge shifts in our embodiment and consciousness.

This workshop will be a unique opportunity to dance multiple waves, peeling back layers, dropping masks. Trusting in the waves. To find your dance is to find yourself, at your most fluid and creative level.

Artwork by Morag Donnelly

About Nikki Ashley
I spent 16 years in theatre, first as a stage manager then as an actor. Then using the tools of the actor, forum theatre and communication I helped communities and individuals practice change and the process of transformation. This work was carried through various settings from schools, mental health and the corporate floor to villages in rural and remote areas of Cambodia.

I first came across the 5Rhythms in 1994 reading "maps to ecstasy". I discovered in Gabrielle's words (and later in the numerous classes & workshops I have danced and still dance in) the body's need to move, to explore, to express and to transform thoughts and feelings into connection and compassionate action with self and others, community and the world we live in.

I have been dancing and studying the 5Rhythms for 18 years and I trained to teach in 2014 with Jonathan Horan. I bring a light yet deep presence to my teaching, allowing space and inner permission for authentic alive presence in your dance, no matter how that is.



10:45am - Doors open / arrive and stretch

11:00am - Workshop begins, please arrive before to ensure we begin on time

6:00pm - Workshop ends

There will be a lunch break mid-way. Snacks and teas/coffees will be available throughout the day.

A note on timings
Doors open at 10:45am and arrival music is on for you to begin to stretch and prepare - Please arrive then in order to be ready to start promptly at 11:00. Doors close 15mins after the start of workshop in order to create a safe held container. There will be no entry after this time.

What to wear
Dress ready to move, loose comfortable clothes and layers are recommended
Please wear a soft soled shoe or barefoot - no socks or outdoor shoes on the dance floor
Please refrain from wearing perfumes or using other fragrances.

What to bring
Do bring some water in a reusable container to keep yourself hydrated
Bring something light to eat for lunch.

A journal, or paper, and pen - Optional

Full details will arrive in the booking confirmation email. If you haven’t received the confirmation email after paying please contact Catherine -

A word about tickets
Numbers are limited to give us space to dance comfortably together. Please be generous if you can, a full price ticket helps us offer reduced and concession places.

We have limited bursary places available for those lacking financial resources, please get in touch for the application process. 

Refunds are offered up to 48hrs before the workshop (with a £2.50 admin fee per ticket). Dancers are also permitted to gift/sell on their ticket.




Your generosity enables us to provide reduced & concession tickets to others. Thank-you.

Full ticket

For those in full time work/ or other sources of comfortable income


For those on reduced income.


Harting Community Hall
Pease Croft
South Harting
GU31 5LB


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