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Stephanie Giles

Qualified Level 2 Gym instructor & Les Mills Bodycombat Instructor!
Steph has a fantastic knowledge & enthusiasm for health, fitness and wellbeing.
After many years as a class participant, Steph knows exactly what is needed to make it through a class!
Steph brings energy, inspiration and enthusiasm to all classes & that rubs off on those around her.

Prossimi eventi con Stephanie Giles
Da 13 giu 2024
giugno, 2024
14 ven 06:30 BST
17 lun 18:15 BST
20 gio 18:35 BST
21 ven 06:30 BST
24 lun 18:15 BST
27 gio 18:35 BST
28 ven 06:30 BST
1 lun 18:15 BST
4 gio 18:35 BST
5 ven 06:30 BST
8 lun 18:15 BST
11 gio 18:35 BST
12 ven 06:30 BST
15 lun 18:15 BST
18 gio 18:35 BST
Orari indicati nel fuso orario: London