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P1-7 holiday workshop 3

Friday, 26 July '24   10am – 2pm BST
Castle Business Estate, Queensferry Road, Dunfermline, Fife, KY11 8NT
5 to 12 years
Fully booked
P1-7 holiday workshop 3

Waiting list

This event is fully booked, but you can add yourself to the waiting list.

Enter your details below to be informed by email when a place becomes available. You must respond promptly to the email to secure a place if one becomes available.

You will be notified by email if a space becomes available.
This is optional but may be useful for the event organiser.


Does your child like art? Crafts? This is the class for them!

These sessions will be run slightly differently this year to ensure that everyone gets to do something they love!

The morning part of the workshop will be spent working on an art project.

We will stop for lunch and then we will do some crafting in the afternoon.

Aprons are provided but please refrain from sending your child in their best clothes - accidents can happen, especially when working with a variety of media!

Please ensure that you read the document attached to this booking carefully - it contains information about what to expect at the class and how to find us. If you'd like a copy of this emailed to you then please get in contact with me at

** PLEASE NOTE that every P1-7 workshop throughout the holidays will be different so if you have a Krafty Kid who is looking to be entertained then they can attend all of them knowing that there will be no repetition **


Please bring to the class:

A packed lunch - with no nuts please due to allergies
A filled drinks bottle if you are likely to need a drink
A jumper (the room will be well ventilated, so possibly a bit breezy)
Any essential medication

But most of all, a smile! I can't wait to see you all.

** Should it be essential that your child brings their mobile phone to the class then Kirsty will keep if safe for the duration to ensure that it is not damaged by the resources. **



P1-7 holiday workshop

A paper copy of this ticket is not required to gain entry.These tickets are non-refundable. Should your child be unable to attend please contact Kirsty with the details of the person you have passed the ticket on to (07585003788).In the event that I need to cancel the class a full refund shall be given. Thank you


Castle Business Estate
Queensferry Road
KY11 8NT

There is a lift to the first floor for anyone who requires this.


  • Toilets
  • Parking