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Fareham Mixed age 0-4 years

Thursday, 9 January '25   10am – 10:50am GMT
Fareham Methodist Church, King's Road, Fareham, PO16 0NU
Only 2 spaces left

Course dates

  • Thu, 9 Jan '25   10am – 10:50am GMT - done
  • Thu, 16 Jan '25   10am – 10:50am GMT - done
  • Thu, 23 Jan '25   10am – 10:50am GMT - done
  • Thu, 30 Jan '25   10am – 10:50am GMT - done
  • Thu, 6 Feb '25   10am – 10:50am GMT - done
  • Thu, 13 Feb '25   10am – 10:50am GMT - done


For babies who are not yet walking. Suitable for very young babies to those who are beginning to take their first unaided steps.

Our courses run on a termly schedule, meeting on the same day and time every week. Booking a block ticket secures your place on the entire course.

A ticket covers one adult attending with one child, with an option to add on a second child.


We suggest preparing for the unexpected when it comes to babies and toddlers in general but also for our classes as we explore a wide variety of sensory and imaginary play that can sometimes get a little messy. With this in mind, please bring along a change of clothes and wipes just in case. On weeks where we may have a special surprise and require you bring something to your session, we'll send out a little reminder.



1 child and 1 up to 2 adults-Block booking

Course ticket - for all 6 dates.
7 available until Thu 6 Feb 10am
This course ticket is for both adult and child. Should you need a ticket for an additional child, please purchase an additional child ticket.

Additional child-Block booking

Course ticket - for all 6 dates.
4 available until Thu 6 Feb 10am
This ticket is for an additional child.

Pay as you go

10 available
This ticket is 'Pay as you go', its good for a one off session to be used on the date specified when booking. You may join us a 'PAYG' customer on any date through out the term, on the dates that suit you. After visiting us as a PAYG customer, should you wish to book a block of classes for the remainder of the half term at the termly rate you are welcome to do so. This ticket is for 1 child and up to 2 adults.

Pay-as-you-go additional child

5 available
This ticket is for an additional child when one adult and child payg ticket has already been purchased.Ideal for parents with more than one child.

Littlest Lights- Babies under 12 weeks old.

Course ticket - for all 6 dates.
This reduced block book ticket is for those who have a baby under 12 weeks old.


Fareham Methodist Church
King's Road
PO16 0NU

Please follow the one way system round to western way where you will find 2 hours free parking, please ensure you park between the lines and not on the lines as this may result in a ticket.
Please be aware that all other roadside parking is permit only. If there is no spaces in the freezer parking then proceed to the end of the road and use Trinity carpark which is 70p per hour.
Come into the church and your Little Lights class will be held in the large hall (not the wooden church hall)
Coffee morning is held in the church which you are welcome to join before or after your class and a cuppa is just 50p


  • Toilets
  • Baby changing