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Pentecost Celebration of Christian Unity

Sunday, 5 June '22   4pm – 5:30pm EDT
Mepkin Abbey, 1098 Mepkin Abbey Road, Moncks Corner SC 29461
Fully booked
Pentecost Celebration of Christian Unity

Waiting list

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Mepkin Abbey will host an Ecumenical Prayer Service and Concert on June 5, 2022 at 4 PM in the Abbey Church. The concert will feature the Robert Taylor Festival Choir and the Ensemble of St. Clare performing Cormac O’Duffy’s “Una Sancta," an Oratorio based on the Prison Poems of Fr. Max Josef Metzger, a noted ecumenist and advocate for peace. A prayer service will be followed by a reception.
No fee to attend but an offering will be taken during the service.



Mepkin Abbey
1098 Mepkin Abbey Road
Moncks Corner SC 29461