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Le café de nuit

fredag, 13 oktober '17   19:30 – 23:00 BST
Natter Café, 67 St John's Street, Godalming, GU7 3EH
Bare 1 plass igjen


A two course menu with a desert as an additional option.

For 2 course meal it will be £22.50 per head and for 3 course it is £25.50 per head.

Still keeping the BYO option, we have been able to reduce the cost of these more casual nights. “CAFÉ OF THE NIGHT” so no big thrills or expensive napkins or table cloths, canapes or a welcome proscesso, but great food in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

We will be opening up the café for the evening serving really good grub for you to enjoy with your friends.



Deposit £10 per person

1 tilgjengelig
£10 deposit per person. This will be deducted from your final bill on the night. Should you wish to cancel your booking within seven days of the event we will provide a full refund.


Natter Café
67 St John's Street