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Self-Suspension - Intermediate/Advanced

tirsdag, 6 august '24   19:30 – 21:30 BST
The Crags Centre, 10 Bowmont Place, Studio Space, Edinburgh, EH8 9RY
18 år og over
Self-Suspension - Intermediate/Advanced


“Practice the basics as if they were advanced.
That’s the key to advancing.”

This class is dedicated to people who previously attended my shibari class or had experience with shibari elsewhere.

To attend this class you need to know basic fundaments of shibari tying. You need to be able to tie at least these ties:

-single coulumn tie
-double columnt tie
-secure form of hip harness
-secure form of chest harness
-be able to securely tie a suspension line

(If you are unsure about your level, please get in touch and we can then figure out if you can attend this class or organise 1-1 to bring your level up a notch before joining this course).

In this session we will work on more complex transitions - of course with respecting individual abilities and preferences of each participant.

This is a self-tying / self-suspension class.
Everyone no matter what gender, ethnicity, bakcground is welcome – this is a protected space for everyone to enjoy themselves.

Under no circumstances can you participate in the class if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any illegal substances that may put you or others at risk. If I have any reasons to believe that you are under the influence of any of the substances listed above I will have to ask you to leave the studio space withtout a refund and with the possibility of being banned from joining my classes again in the future.

If you think you may be pregnant, please come and speak to me directly before the class.

Respectful, supportive and friendly behaviour is essential. Therer’s no space to abuse or discrimination in this class. There’s no competition either – you all are the best versions of yourself and here you can learn and improve your new skill under my supervision and with support of everyone else in this class.

Nivå: Intermediate


If you wish to book in but you are worried about your finances, I will be happy to send you disount code. Please do not hesitate to email me at skinnyredhead@wp.pl to discuss further support.


Veune has wheelchair access, free parking space, waiting area and access to drinking water, feel free to bring snack and your own water bottle or a cup on the day.

There are bathrooms, which you are welcome to use as a changing space before/after the class.

If you have any other needs that you would like to discuss with me, please do not hesitate to get in touch skinnyredhead@wp.pl




This is a ticket is dedicated to those who can contribute a little extra on the top of the price of their ticket to support those who can't afford full price ticket. By choosing this ticket you are helping the community to grow, thank you!

Full Price


Low income

This ticket is dedicated to those who can't afford full price ticket. If you can't afford this one, please get in touch to discuss other options of support. I would like this class to be inclusive for everyone.


The Crags Centre
10 Bowmont Place
Studio Space