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MORPETH Thursday Baby Bells @ Chantry Play Hub

Chantry Play Hub, 50 Bridge Street, Morpeth, NE61 1NL


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Skriv inn dine opplysninger nedenfor for å bli informert via e-post når en ledig plass blir tilgjengelig. Du må svare raskt på e-posten for å sikre deg en eventuell ledig plass.

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  • tor, 18 apr '24   11:50 – 12:35 BST - ferdig
  • tor, 25 apr '24   11:50 – 12:35 BST - ferdig
  • tor, 2 mai '24   11:50 – 12:35 BST - ferdig
  • tor, 9 mai '24   11:50 – 12:35 BST - ferdig
  • tor, 16 mai '24   11:50 – 12:35 BST - ferdig
  • tor, 23 mai '24   11:50 – 12:35 BST - ferdig


SPRING 2024, Term 2 . Thank you for joining us or continuing your Hartbeeps journey with us! A gorgeous term full of different adventures delivered by a trained and accredited imaginator.

More about BABY BELLS...Our lovely class, which focuses on bonding and confidence. We use elements of baby yoga, baby massage, and calming techniques to guide little ones through our magical, imaginary Baby Land and help them to truly experience our soundtrack of remixed nursery rhymes and lullabies.
There is a weekly theme so something different to explore with your little ones.

We do have a baby massage course if you are interested in that. Some customers have done both alongside each other, or maybe commence with baby massage- First Weeks and then graduate into Baby Bells.


A If you wish to attend with an older child, I would get in touch as another class may be more suitable. This class is the most gentle of the 3 as our little ones are smaller but some themes can be more adventurous, but we strive to create an environment that makes you feel relaxed so you only need to get as involved as you want.
Our team are accredited in baby massage, and we incorporate this in the session, we have repeat songs and routines and a weekly theme, with dress up, props and most importantly great music!

If you are booking for twins please select 2 tickets and use discount code:TWin



Baby Bells Thursday @Morpeth

Kursbillett - for alle 6 datoer.
Ticket is for one adult and one child however extra adults may attend but only with our knowledge. Ask please before class.


Kursbillett - for alle 6 datoer.


Chantry Play Hub
50 Bridge Street
NE61 1NL

Please note that this venue has limited buggy space which often isn’t an issue however if you are a parent/ carer that does utilise a sling we would be grateful as it then limits the number of buggies or any fold down prams fantastic!
It is also upstairs to access our Hartbeeps room.

Chantry Play downstairs offers drinks and cakes and those with slings get 50p off a hot drink in or take away!


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