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Brighton: Denim Revamp Workshop (11-18yrs)

The Fashion School Brighton, 69 North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD
11 til 18 år


Dette arrangementet er fullbooket, men du kan legge deg til ventelisten.

Skriv inn dine opplysninger nedenfor for å bli informert via e-post når en ledig plass blir tilgjengelig. Du må svare raskt på e-posten for å sikre deg en eventuell ledig plass.

Du vil bli varslet via e-post hvis det blir ledig plass.
Dette er valgfritt, men kan være nyttig for arrangøren.


  • man, 23 aug '21   10:00 – 15:00 BST - ferdig
  • tir, 24 aug '21   10:00 – 15:00 BST - ferdig


Let’s get serious about sustainable fashion through either experimental design or simply sewing something for yourself. Elevate, revamp and customise your denim jeans into something unique that represents you.

On this unique course you will be learning how to customise and personalise your denim to reflect your own personal style.

Techniques include patches, patchwork, heat press techniques, hand-embroidery and deconstructing & reconstructing methods.

Bring along a pair of jeans or two and reimagine them into something special and personal!

Illustration, designing, customisation and advanced sewing – whatever is your thing. We are here to promote confident young creatives with open enquiring minds who want to make a change.

You will leave with a unique and personalised customised garment!

Essential Materials:

A pair of jeans to revamp (more if you would like to reconstruct + deconstruct)

In the case of another lockdown, affecting the opening of schools, workshops will be postponed to the next safest date or your booking can be transferred to an online workshop.


Please bring with you a bottle of water and a light lunch. Thank you!



Denim Revamp Workshop

Kursbillett - for alle 2 datoer.


The Fashion School Brighton
69 North Road