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Restorative Yoga Workshop

Sunday, 25 February '24   2pm – 4pm GMT
River Room, Halton Mill, Mill Lane, Halton, Lancaster, LA2 6ND
Fully booked

Waiting list

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What is it?
Restorative Yoga, also known as ‘Rest and Digest’ yoga, originates from the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar. It brings deep relaxation and balance to both the mind and body.

This workshop is designed for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or have never done yoga before, it’s perfect for you.

The practice is about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. You will be held on yoga props like bolsters and blocks throughout the practice which will be very still.

The postures used all have different health benefits that support the body to recover from injury, illness, stress as well as detoxify the body and boosting the immune system. The workshop will encourage deep relaxation, helping you to stop and switch off for two hours.

You will leave feeling realigned, deeply rested and de-stressed.

The workshop also includes breath work, meditation and a little goody at the end!


Please wear comfortable and warm clothing- I will be in touch closer to the time with information about the workshop.



Restorative Workshop



River Room, Halton Mill
Mill Lane


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