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Humber and North Yorkshire Black History Month: in conversation

donderdag, 13 oktober '22   15:00 – 16:30 BST
Black History Month
Humber and North Yorkshire Black History Month: in conversation

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Join colleagues from an ethnic minority from across health and care in Humber and North Yorkshire as we discuss the theme of this year’s Black History Month – ‘time for change: action, not words’.

All are welcome.

About Black History Month
Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Health and Care Partnership is proud to support and promote Black History Month during the month of October 2022.

Black History Month is an annual commemoration of the history, achievements, cultures and contributions of Black people in the UK. It is also a chance for us all to educate ourselves on the experiences and inequalities still faced by our Black colleagues and to step forward as allies for action.

Join us for Humber and North Yorkshire Black History Month: in conversation
‘Humber and North Yorkshire Black History Month: in conversation’ will run as a virtual discussion panel and is taking place on Thursday 13 October 2022, 3-4.30pm.

The panel will discuss the theme for this year’s Black History Month – ‘time for change: action not words’ and includes colleagues from acute trusts, primary care, community care, social care, local authorities and the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sectors.

We’re delighted to announce that we’ll also be joined by author and activist, Dr Godfred Boahen. Godfred is principal social worker, adult social services at London Borough Hackney, national safeguarding policy and development lead at the Church of England, honorary research fellow at Birmingham University and an adviser on the Department of Health and Social Care’s Workplace Race Equality Standard Advisory Group.

Some of our speakers joining Godfred on the panel are:

  • Grace Gava
    Quality and governance lead at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, chair of the HNY Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Network of Networks and chair of the HTFC staff network
  • Safaya Monaghan
    Commissioning officer at North Lincolnshire Council, co-chair of the HNY network of networks and chair of the North Lincolnshire Council staff network
  • Mr Dumbor Ngaage
    Consultant cardiac surgeon at Hull Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HUTH), member of the HNY network of networks and former chair of the HUTH staff network leading on the development and launch of the HUTH zero tolerance to racism framework
  • Mano Jamieson
    Equality, diversity and inclusion manager at HUTH, HR professional, member of the HNY network of networks and member of the HUTH staff network supporting the development and launch of the Trust’s zero tolerance to racism framework
  • Dr Hisham Nobeebaccus
    GP, chair of Yorkshire Health Partners and GP lead for equality, diversity and inclusion in the East Riding
  • Zenab Hussain
    Level 3 teaching assistant, health and wellbeing lead at Mindful Sisterhood in Scunthorpe and member of the HNY local maternity system (LMS) working on improving outcomes in maternity care for people from an ethnic minority
  • Esther Sodunke
    Project lead – equality, diversity and inclusion at HNY Health and Care Integrated Care Board (ICB) working across HNY Health and Care Partnership, HR professional and active mentor to support career development for minoritised groups
  • Severine Ntanda Kipili
    Founder and chairperson of Bora Shabaa, a community organisation dedicated to supporting refugees in Hull and founding member of the leadership advocacy network - a collective of ethnically minoritised leaders running community groups in Hull

    • The panel discussion will be chaired by Kiza Ishemo, workforce equality, diversity and inclusion lead at HTFC.

      This event is open to all colleagues working in health and care across HNY - all are welcome to come along and listen to this important discussion.


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Black History Month