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French Open Doubles Grand Slam Event - Burgess Park

Saturday, 8 June '24   2pm – 5pm BST
Burgess Park Tennis Centre, 44 Addington Square, London, SE5 7LA
Fully booked
French Open Doubles Grand Slam Event - Burgess Park

Waiting list

This event is fully booked, but you can add yourself to the waiting list.

Enter your details below to be informed by email when a place becomes available. You must respond promptly to the email to secure a place if one becomes available.

You will be notified by email if a space becomes available.
This is optional but may be useful for the event organiser.


All events are aimed at adult intermediate players, as long as you can hold a rally from the back of the court you will be fine!

These events are FREE if you hold a Coaching Plan+ subscription, and for £13 everyone else.

Each grand slam is a social doubles event for men and women, you can come as a pair or we will pair everyone up on the day.

Please note: This is a social event so the organiser may split a pairing if much stronger than the rest.


Please arrive with:

Your Racket (rackets available to borrow if required!)


Appropriate clothing depending on the weather



Burgess Park French Open Grand Slam Event



Burgess Park Tennis Centre
44 Addington Square