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West Norwich Wimbledon Grand Slam Event

Sunday, 7 July '24   9am – 12pm BST
Hellesdon Community Tennis, Wood View Road, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5QB
Fully booked
West Norwich Wimbledon Grand Slam Event

Waiting list

This event is fully booked, but you can add yourself to the waiting list.

Enter your details below to be informed by email when a place becomes available. You must respond promptly to the email to secure a place if one becomes available.

You will be notified by email if a space becomes available.
This is optional but may be useful for the event organiser.


This is the Wimbledon Grand Slam Event, to celebrate our home major! It is a social doubles event for men and women, we will pair everyone up on the day. If you do wish to play with someone we will try to facilitate this however may not be possible due to keeping levels similar.

All events are aimed at adult players, as long as you can hold a rally from the back of the court you will be fine!

These events are FREE if you hold a Coaching Plan+ subscription, and for £11 everyone else


Please arrive with:

Your Racket (rackets available to borrow if required!)
Appropriate clothing depending on the weather



West Norwich Wimbledon Event



Hellesdon Community Tennis
Wood View Road


  • Toilets
  • Parking