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Andrew Robson Day

Wednesday, 5 March '25   10am – 4pm GMT
Oxford Bridge Club, 147 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7AN
Only 2 spaces left


We are delighted to be able to welcome Andrew Robson OBE to the club again. Andrew is an English professional bridge player, writer and teacher. He is a British and English international and bridge columnist for The Times and Country Life. Andrew attended Abingdon School as a dayboy so is truly a locally grown talent.

His talks are always interesting, entertaining and motivational. If you would like to join us, please book quickly as the places sell out quickly.

The bridge level is non-beginners but not experts.

The format of the day will be:

10.00 Arrival tea/coffee and biscuits
10:30 Teaching and play starts
12:30 Two course lunch including wine and drinks
13:30 Teaching and play resumes
15:30 End

Both members and visitors will be very welcome. No partner needed as the event will be hosted.

Level: Intermediate


Please arrive at the Club in plenty of time. Coffee/tea will be served from 10.00. Parking in the streets is limited, please use public transport if you can.



Andrew Robson Day

2 available
Two teaching sessions plus lunch with Andrew Robson


Oxford Bridge Club
147 Banbury Road