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środa, 29 maja '24   5 tygodnie
Browne School of Art, 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland, 1021
cancelled - new course in Term 3


Course Code: ESUO224 (eve)
Tutor: Matt Carter
When: Wed 6.00 - 9.00pm
Dates: 29 May - 26 Jun 2024
Duration: 5 weeks
Maximum Enrolment: 12 

Cost: $270

An introductory course for those who have never painted in oils before and for those who want to shift to using oil paints having used acrylics or water-based media. Students learn to see colour, shape and tone, and to relate these elements together in compositions. This course aims to nurture self-confidence and enjoyment of painting in a stimulating, fun and relaxing environment.
We will begin with the basics of organising your palette using a limited colour range, we learn to colour mix and preparation/clean up without using harmful solvents.
We will focus on observational painting touching on still life, landscape/urbanscape and portraiture.
We will look at tone, composition, space, perspective, and colour with progressive developments in these skills.
It is an ideal course for beginners with plenty of guidance from the tutor.

NB: Please remember to bring materials from the course "materials list" online.


Materials list
• Camera (or phone camera)
• Charcoal
• Palette: wood (preferable), plastic or glass (large & flat to enable mixing)
• Palette knife (medium sized, with Elbow rather than flat)
• Preferred brushes, preferably synthetic, flat or filbert, various sizes including one 2cm wide
• 4-5 boards, canvases, canvas boards, MDF, hardboard or heavy card: primed/sized – ready
to go. Various sizes 200 – 400mms, any aspect. And a larger one about A2 size
• White gesso
• An old shirt or apron
• Acrylic paint for underpainting: any dark earth colour, e.g. Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Brown
Iron Oxide
Oil paints: Essential Some recommended brands: Schminke Norma, Windsor & Newton, Winton.
• White (Titanium, Zinc or any other)
• Yellow Ochre
• Burnt Umber
• Alizarin Crimson
• Ultramarine Blue
• Ivory Black
• Cadmium Yellow (or hue)
• Prussian Blue
• Raw Umber
• Light Red or Cadmium Red (hue)
Oil paints: Optional Instead of the ‘hues’, you could buy the real cadmiums or cobalts (pricier).
At Browne School of Art, we also have a selection of basic materials available for purchase: Paper in A1 - A2 sheets, newsprint, cartridge, sugar grey, wet strength, bulldog clips, pencils charcoal, erasers, white chalk, black ink.
This list is a general guide only. The majority (though not necessarily all) of these materials
may be used as students progress. Canvases, panels and boards can be prepared fairly easily and these need to be to your own preferred formats and sizes. If you are using oil paints please come prepared for this with odourless turpentine and plenty of rags for cleaning up.



Standard Booking

Online payment includes payment fee of 2.9% + NZ$0.30. Offline payment details on confirmation page.

Standard Booking + $10.00 BSA Student Fund - Donation

A $10 donation will go to our BSA Student Fund - helping those who are unwaged or under financial hardship (with a Community Services Card) to attend our courses.


Browne School of Art
194 Great North Road
Grey Lynn