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Fermented Vegetables 101, with Laura Poe Mathes

sobota, 28 października '23   13:00 – 16:30 CDT
Thoreau College Campus, 224 WI-56, Viroqua WI 54665-6146
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Fermented Vegetables 101, with Laura Poe Mathes

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Fermented vegetables are a wonderful way to incorporate probiotics into the diet, put up the garden harvest, and make vegetables even more nutritious and digestible. In this class, participants will learn how to make sauerkraut, kim chi, lacto-fermented pickled vegetables and condiments. We will discuss the health benefits of these foods, ways to add them to meals, and fermentation troubleshooting.

Date: Saturday, October 28
Time: 1 - 4:30PM
Ages: 12+
Materials Fee: $15
Location: Thoreau College Campus, 224 WI-56, Viroqua, WI 54665

Viroqua Food Co-op members may use discount code VFC23 and add their member number in VFC Member Number field when enrolling for $10 off the ticket price.

Sliding Scale Course Fee Guidelines (not including Materials Fees)

Supporter Level Ticket: $65
If you move through the world with financial ease and the means to fulfill many of your wants as well as your needs – you are able to eat out when you want, abundantly meet your needs through employment or can comfortably not work, have access to family wealth, own property, etc. – consider paying at this level, which will help us ensure the long term sustainability of our programs while keeping our offerings accessible to those with access to fewer resources.

Sustainer Level Ticket: $50
If you are able to meet your needs with relative ease while budgeting your educational and entertainment spending – for instance, you are able to take classes and eat out occasionally as long as you are mindful – consider paying at this level, which will help sustain the work of the Folk School at a modest level.

Supported Level Ticket: $35
If you struggle to fund your basic needs and have limited access to resources in your family and community, or if you would not be able to access this offering without a discounted payment option, consider paying at this level. We value your presence and contributions to our community and do not want any economic circumstances to be a barrier to attendance!


Please bring a quart-sized glass jar with a lid.



HD Supporter

Ticket price includes materials fee.

HD Sustainer

Ticket price includes materials fee.

HD Supported

Ticket price includes materials fee.


Thoreau College Campus
224 WI-56
Viroqua WI 54665-6146