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BENTON Friday Happy House @ The Hartbeeps Sunshine Garden

The Happy Sunshine Garden, The Rising Sun Countryside Centre, Whitley Road Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 9SS
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BENTON Friday Happy House @ The Hartbeeps Sunshine Garden

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Daty kursów

  • pią, 19 kwi '24   09:20 – 10:05 BST - wykonano
  • pią, 26 kwi '24   09:20 – 10:05 BST - wykonano
  • pią, 3 maj '24   09:20 – 10:05 BST - wykonano
  • pią, 10 maj '24   09:20 – 10:05 BST - wykonano
  • pią, 17 maj '24   09:20 – 10:05 BST - wykonano
  • pią, 24 maj '24   09:20 – 10:05 BST - wykonano


SPRING 2024..Term 2.. Thank you for joining us or continuing your Hartbeeps journey with us!

A fun-filled highly interactive musical class for toddlers (younger siblings welcome)

‘Happyhouse’ sessions have been developed for toddlers from walking to school age. During the preschool years, children continue to add words at remarkable speed. At age 2 ½, the average vocabulary is around 600 words, by age 5 or 6 total vocabulary has risen to perhaps 15,000 words, an astonishing increase of 10 words a day!
We encourage related, repeated sensory exploration, in a relaxed environment where children are not expected to sit on parents laps in a formal setting. We encourage movement in our sessions and we try to work with all parents and carers to support and get the most out of our sessions.


If you wish to attend with an older child, I would get in touch as another class may be more suitable. This class is the most gentle of the 3 as our little ones are smaller but some themes can be more adventurous, but we strive to create an environment that makes you feel relaxed so you only need to get as involved as you want.



Friday Happy House @ The Happy Sunshine Garden

Bilet kursowy - na wszystkie 6 daty
Ticket is for one adult and one child.


Bilet kursowy - na wszystkie 6 daty


The Happy Sunshine Garden
The Rising Sun Countryside Centre
Whitley Road Benton
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE12 9SS

Parking available in 2 car parks. Do not park at the top as this is for staff only.
Café onsite but we have our own honesty bar on-site.

This venue is a permanent Hartbeeps Home- a parent and child hub. Due to launch 2nd week of August.
If you exit the main building, we are the building that says reception and you will see signs.