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Youth Group : Home Education Young People (9 years +)

Tuesday, 6 June '23   2pm – 3:45pm BST
The Playz, Unit A, Local Centre, Pennyburn, Kilwinning, KA13 6TA
12 spaces available


Funded by The National Lottery : Awards For All.

This youth group is to allow home education young people a space to socialise with young people their own age. With access to the equipment and facilities that The Playz has to offer.

Xbox, pool table, games (UNO, Jenga, connect 4 plus more) Roxi, musical equipment and more.

Our experience youth workers are on hand to support the young people in anything they look to achieve at the group.



Home Ed Youth Group

12 available


The Playz
Unit A, Local Centre, Pennyburn
KA13 6TA

Push button access, ground level access (no stairs)


  • Toilets
  • Parking