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Secondary TeachMeet

Wednesday, 18 October '23   4pm – 5:30pm BST
Colonel Frank Seely Academy, Flatts Lane, Calverton, Nottingham, NG14 6JZ
Secondary TeachMeet


A TeachMeet event involves a series of quick-fire presentations on a range of teaching and learning activities and ideas, each lasting for 3 or 5 minutes.

Some people choose to just come and watch, others choose to present an idea.
Everyone leaves with loads of great ideas having met with lots of people from other schools in the area. It’s an event with a real buzz.

There are two TeachMeets per year:

Wednesday 18 October 2023
face to face at Colonel Frank Seely Academy

Thursday 25 April 2024
online - hosted by The Oakwood Academy


3 Minute Presenter Ticket

Audience Ticket

5 Minute Presenter Ticket


Colonel Frank Seely Academy
Flatts Lane
NG14 6JZ