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Primary TeachMeet

Wednesday, 15 November '23   4pm – 5pm GMT
Robert Mellors Primary Academy, Bonington Drive, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 7EX
Primary TeachMeet


We would like to invite you to attend our FREE TeachMeet event.

This Teachmeet will be held face to face at both Robert Mellors Primary Academy and Tupton Primary and Nursery Academy with a live link between, so you get to see all the presentations, without having to travel so far! Bookings for both venues can be made on this page.

A TeachMeet is a series of quick-fire presentations, of no more than 3 minutes, made by members of the audience on any teaching and learning idea. Some people choose to just come and watch, others choose to present an idea. Everyone leaves with loads of great ideas having met with lots of people from other schools in the area. It’s an event with a real buzz.

Presenter top tips:
We encourage teachers of all levels of experience to join us, especially as a presenter. It doesn’t matter how big or small the idea, activity or strategy – your colleagues in the audience will benefit from hearing about your experience of using it. And it doesn’t even have to be original – pass on a great idea you’ve heard from someone else!

A few ideas of the kind of thing you could focus your presentation on: show a great book/resource you've used or an idea for a warm up activity. Things like ' I've run this afterschool club and it went really well' or 'I've found this website where you can get free resources' are also really great to share.

Your presentation can be in whichever format you would like, most people choose to pop a couple of slides into a powerpoint, but please do whatever is best for you.

To avoid any technical glitches, we will set the running order in advance, so you will know when it's your turn to present.


3 Minute Presenter Ticket

Audience Ticket


Robert Mellors Primary Academy
Bonington Drive