This is an online event.
Joining instructions will be provided after booking.
The celebration of Samhain (also known as Halloween), is a portal that was celebrated by the Celts as their New Year, and it is felt by many that at this time the veils are thin and messengers and ancestors from the other worlds make themselves known to those who dare to listen. This is a time to honour and celebrate death as we prepare for rebirth.
In this ritual we will use powerful practices to assist the shedding of what is stubbornly sticking on, using mantra, visualisation, journalling, invocation of the dark goddess, movement, dance, breathwork and calling on our ancestors for guidance and protection.
It will be a space to commune with magic, the void, the unknown, the great Mystery that is coming into form as You.
You will need a private space where you feel comfortable to make your own ritual space and to dance wildly.
You will need the latest version of zoom downloaded, and a laptop or phone to stream our gathering. You will need a good pair of speakers plugged in to stream the sound or some wireless earphones that you can move and dance with.
You will need one fresh ceremonial candle that you pick out for the occasion especially. And if possible a cauldron or a cooking pot where you can burn a piece of paper.
We will work with the visionary plant ally of Mugwort (also known as Artemesia), which you can either procure before the ritual or if not, imagine drinking a tea of in your mind's eye. For those of us who live in the northern hemisphere you can find this grandmother healer growing in abundance on the side of the road and along rivers. Even in London you can forage her from most parks and along the canals. (Do not drink if you are pregnant, but you can burn smudge sticks of her.)
You may also create your own seasonal and ancestral altar in whatever way feels evocative and enchanting to you. You might place photos of your late great grandparents, or meaningful objects you have inherited, whatever might invoke the presence of those who came before us.
Cost | ||
Early Bird concession
Available until Fri 29 Oct '21 6pm
Full investment
If you are more resourced in these times this last tier will support those less resourced to attend.
BIPOC scholarship |