June Youth Mountain Bike Class (4 weeks) - 1.5hr Bike Classes Including Skills Lessons, On-Trail Instruction and Wilderness Exploration. RPF mountain bike programs build confedence, endurance and a love for nature.
Requirements - 10-15 years old, mountain bike in good working condition, previous on- trail experience, can ride 4 miles within an hour.
Cost $110 for 4 Classes
Drop In rate for returning students ($30/class, payment due week before class)
Location: Pine Valley and Mountain Laguna
Limit 6 Students Max per Class
Gail Shafer - 619-807-9408
MOUNTAIN BIKE in good working order.
HYDRATION/PACK - A hydration pack or water bottle, spare tube for appropriate tire size
HELMET, gloves and other safety gear. and elbow pads are recommended.
**Adventure Pass IS required at this location.