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People, Places & Communities – A Healthy Future Development Gathering

Sunday, 24 October '21   9:30am – 1pm BST


This year’s online gathering will bring together clubs, centres and organisations from throughout the Scottish Boating world to look at how we can work together to support our people, places and communities. We will be discussing regional challenges and identifying potential solutions for support in each of the North, East and West Regions and asking you to help to identify and contribute to what a new regional plan may look like. We will also be looking at case studies of opportunities that identify best practice, will widen the work that is done at a local level, increase the opportunities for membership, ensure that everyone is welcome and that the sport is healthy & sustainable moving forward.

This half day gathering is free to anyone involved in our clubs, centres and community and will take place between 9.30am and 1.00pm on Sunday 24th October 2021.

Following this, we hope to identify several opportunities for the Participation and Development Team to meet with local groups of clubs/centres/organisations in their local communities. More details to follow!


Please ensure you book your free place by 5pm on Friday 22nd October 2021.



People, Places & Communities – A Healthy Future Development Gathering

Available until Fri 22 Oct '21 5pm