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Cynthia Sheppard--3-6

Monday, 9 September '24   3pm – 6pm EDT
24 Fall Cynthia Sheppard 3-6
18 years and over
Fully booked

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.

Waiting list

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Cynthia Sheppard

Illustrating the Emotional Narrative

• Special guest: Forrest Schehl, Art Director, Magic: the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast
• 14 Sessions
• Mondays 3-6pm Eastern Time
• Starts September 9, runs through January*
• 8 students max
• $2500
• Includes one FREE audit of another mentorship

*The mentorship runs for 14 sessions. SmArt School teachers sometimes have to travel for professional reasons. If they must miss a class they will add a session to the end of the calendar. Some weeks off are also scheduled into the calendar. Scroll to the bottom of the “Courses Listings” page for your semester on the SmArt School website to see all the details
ALL CLASSES MEET LIVE and are not recorded due to proprietary content. Teaching will not happen via email, only during class time.

Class Description

In this class you will grow your skills as a visual storyteller, and practice painting with your own unique, emotional voice. As part of a process-driven course, you'll learn how to ask and answer key questions about your illustrations that drive the choices you make toward your composition and visual narrative, as well as practice time-tested steps to make a great final image. You'll have an opportunity to create new portfolio work with professional guidance, and work to evolve along the trajectory of your own individual artistic journey.

Towards the end of the semester ​a special industry guest will visit the class and view student work.

After taking this class students will also receive the option of a free profile on the Alumni Portfolios page.


Cynthia has deep experience as a working artist and creative professional, having built a career on emotional, character-driven art starting in the late 2000s. After a successful stint as a fantasy illustrator, she moved to Seattle to pursue art direction, joining Wizards of the Coast as a Sr. Art Director in 2015. As an AD, she commissioned over 4,000 illustrations for the Magic: the Gathering trading card game, led visual world building for original settings including Eldraine and Kaldheim, and created iconic characters for the franchise. In May 2021, Cynthia returned to freelance illustration and is picking up where she left off, illustrating for games and other media, while excitedly branching out into education.


To register:


Clicking the BOOK NOW button on the next page will hold your place in class for 15 minutes while you complete your registration and payment.

If you have PayPal CREDIT and that option is not showing at payment, email us at and we will send you an invoice to complete payment as soon as possible.



Cynthia Sheppard--3-6


Online event information

24 Fall Cynthia Sheppard 3-6