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Jenny Haycocks
Creative Visionary Activist

Jenny is a full-time volunteer and creative visionary activist with Extinction Rebellion UK and The Gathering Gates. She lives in Norfolk, England.

Jenny's journey as a young adult took her to complete a psychology degree, to follow a meditation practice of presence through Soto Zen Buddhism and become a builder and director in Giroscope Workers Co-operative; housing ourselves and other homeless and disadvantaged people. This seven-year, day-to-day experience of living empowerment and challenge of the status quo informs the way Jenny experiences what may be possible outside of normal conventions. Giroscope was the winner of the prestigious Queen's Award for Voluntary Service in 2014 and the UN World Habitat Award in 2015-2016.

Her journey continued with sixteen years experience as a teacher within further education. Here she followed students’ needs and interests and developed the curricula with them in the areas of dance, drama, the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and Emotional Wellbeing. Jenny has a Postgraduate Certificate in Post Compulsory Education.

During these teaching years Jenny felt that education was becoming biased to narrow forms of intelligence while other forms; sensing, feeling, intuiting and deeper sources of knowing were overlooked. This led her to take a master’s degree in Dance and Somatic Well-being: Connections to the Living Body, at the University of Central Lancashire for which she was awarded a distinction.

This course supported her to sense and express herself more clearly and to frame a pioneering approach to addiction recovery, through her project ‘Somatic Health’. Jenny is also offering dance improvisation sessions that further connect with our somatic felt sense of embodied relational connection. Jenny is a Registered Somatic Movement Educator with ISMETA (International Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Association).

In 2019, in direct response to the climate crisis and loss of bio-diversity Jenny became a full time activist in XR and now within allied movements including The Gathering Gates, Jenny works within local and national circles that meet to develop regenerative and visionary cultures.

Using her background in psychology and qualification and experience as a further education teacher, dancer, and somatic movement educator, Jenny also leads site-specific performance art, including choreography and singing, so that outreaching actions invite peaceful, collective, creative protest. The performances add a joyful visual spectacle and the costumes help signal that responding to the climate crisis requires an alliance of the human and nonhuman worlds and a tapping into creative visions of how we might think and feel differently about our place in ecology.

This leads her to the work she is involved in today; in seeding and growing grassroots approaches to wide scale activism within our local and global communities, by tuning in to non-conceptual intelligence - the wisdom of the relational sensing body - the arising of eco-consciousness felt in the lilts and sighs of our beating heart within and in correspondence with the nature 'without' as we arise in one undivided harmony.

Upcoming events with Jenny Haycocks
From 13 Mar 2025
April, 2025
19 Sat 2pm BST
3 Sat 2pm BST
Times shown in timezone: London