Welcome the summer solstice with us.
Thursday evening you will set up camp and enjoy a swim and quiet evening round the camp fire
Enjoy the day Friday, relaxing and connecting with others and the beautiful surroundings, swimming or BYO paddleboard.
The cafe will be open until 9pm Thursday evening and re open at 7am Friday for breakfast.
Friday evening we will entertain you with music from the Ships and Giggles sea shanty choir & fire performance on the lake after sun down. You also have your Friday evening meal included
You can choose to stay in a beautiful fully furnished bell tent (2 person) or BYO tent pitch (2 person)
Friday morning you can book a solstice sunrise yoga, mediation & swim with Phoenix wellbeing
All swimmers are required to use a tow float - if you do not one you can hire for a small donation
Arrival time on Thursday is from 4pm
All tents must be taken down by 12pm Saturday
A confirmation of booking will be emailed to you where we will require
Cost | ||
BYO tent pitch 2 person 2 Nights
9 available
This ticket is for 2 people camping (Thursday & Friday) Thursday evening meal Swimming Thursday & Friday Friday evening entertainment and meal Maximum tent size 4 man
Camper van (2 people) 2 Nights
3 available
This ticket is for 2 people staying in 1 campervan (Thursday & Friday) Thursday evening meal. Swimming Thursday & Friday Friday evening entertainment and meal
Bell tent pitch - 2 Nights
6 available
This ticket is for 2 people staying in a fully furnished bell tent (Thursday & Friday) Swimming Thursday & Friday Thursday evening meal Friday evening entertainment and meal
BY0 tent 1 person - 2 nights
3 available
This ticket is for 2 nights camping. Thursday evening meal. Unlimited swimming, Friday evening celebration event and supper for 1 person.
BYO tent pitch Thursday Only
4 available
This ticket is for 2 people camping (Thursday only) Swimming Thursday with evening meal Sunrise yoga ( optional) Maximum tent size 4 man
BYO tent pitch Friday only
5 available
This ticket is for 2 people camping (Friday) Swimming Friday & evening entertainment and meal Maximum tent size 4 man
Camper van pitch 1 person 2 nights
5 available
This ticket is for 2 nights camping. Thursday evening meal. Unlimited swimming, Friday evening celebration event and supper for 1 person
BYO tent/camper Thursday only 1 person
3 available
This ticket is for 1 person BYO tent or van Thursday only . Includes food Thursday evening, sunrise yoga and swim
Campervan Friday night only
5 available
Swimming Friday, evening entertainment and meal