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"Let's Talk, LGBTI+ Mental Health" South East Regional Event

Tuesday, 6 June '23   6:30pm – 8:30pm IST
The Manor Youth Café, Manor Street, Waterford, X91 TY8N
48 spaces available


The HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office is partnering with See Change and the LGBTI+ Projects across the South East to host an event that will tackle mental health judgement in the LGBTI+ Community.
The event will be hosted by See Change Programmes Leader, Barbara Brennan, who will be joined by Mary Butler, T.D., Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People along with individuals with lived experience of mental health difficulties in the LGBTQ+ community.
Let's Talk Mental Health Judgement and LGBTQ+
We would love for you to join us at our event to learn:
➡️ What mental health judgement looks like for people in the LGBTI+ community
➡️ The feelings and behaviours of being judged and judging others
➡️ The double stigma of having a mental health difficulty AND being part of the LGBTI+ community
➡️ The challenges that many in the LGBTI+ community face in getting mental health support
➡️ What we can all do to help improve our mental health and wellbeing
➡️ What we can all do to help end the unfair judgement of ourselves and others

The event will include
• Information on supports and services for those in the LGBTQ+ community in the South East area
• Panel discussion on LGBTQ+ and mental health, including the voices of lived experience.

• A poem on the topic presented by a local Waterford poet.

We also invite you to join for networking from 6-6.30pm where tea and coffee will be provided.

See Change is responsible for Ireland’s national Green Ribbon Campaign dedicated to ending mental health stigma and discrimination, which takes place in September. The work is informed by people with lived experience of mental health difficulties, including its 50+ trained Ambassadors, who share their stories to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.

Across the country, See Change works with its Ambassadors, partners and workplaces to debunk the myths and misconceptions about living with a mental health difficulty.


48 available


The Manor Youth Café,
Manor Street,
X91 TY8N