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Viewing Inclusion as the #1 DSP Job Duty 💻

Thursday, 4 May '23   10am – 11am CDT
Viewing Inclusion as the #1 DSP Job Duty 💻

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


Even after all of the amazing person-centered thinking and actions that have been taken in MN over many years, there can still be an incorrect perception. This perception is "I am solely responsible to meet the person's health and safety needs." Though meeting this requirement is necessary, it is far from the only responsibilities we have. Much of what providers do involves community integration and inclusion, promoting a person's level of independence and autonomy, and choice. These actions as well as the inherent belief of it, can change the very way we see our role and how we lead our staff. How can we increase awareness and action in our direct support staff to help people become an integral part of their community? If we changed how we trained our staff, what results would we get? What would life look like for the people we support? Come explore:

  • What true community inclusion is
  • How direct care staff, managers, and directors can shift their thinking and action
  • What specific activities can be taken to help people live fully engaged and involved lives

Perhaps you have taken other person-centered classes and wonder what could be different here. Often we view person-centered thinking, language, and action to supplement or come alongside our job duties, not be our job duties! This session will help you change that thinking

CEU Contact Hours: 1.2 for Nurses, 1 for Social Workers

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Registered participants will have access to the session recording for two weeks following the training.



Virtual Classroom - Early Bird

Available until Thu 13 Apr '23 10am

Virtual Classroom


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