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The Nuts and Bolts of 245D Program Standards 🏢

Wednesday, 21 June '23   9am – 4:30pm CDT
STAR Services, Inc, 1295 Bandana Blvd North #135, St Paul MN 55108
Fully booked
The Nuts and Bolts of 245D Program Standards 🏢

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As providers licensed by the MN Department of Human Services, we are expected to understand and implement MN Statutes, chapter 245D. STAR Services understands how complicated implementing standards of compliance can be - we have been there and continue to be there! We designed the Nuts and Bolts to provide you a detailed overview of this important statute and help you understand the responsibilities you hold to its requirements.

We will walk through the major program (non-site specific) standards of chapter 245D and how DCs and DMs can implement these standards at their companies. Included in the walk through are topics related to services for each person supported regardless of 245D service.

Person-specific topics include:

  • Rights and rights restrictions
  • Health needs and how a provider meets those needs
  • Incident/emergency and EUMR response, review, and reporting
  • Document development requirements for both basic and intensive services (IAPP, SMAs, outcomes, addendums, reports, and meetings).
  • In addition to person-specific topics, the Nuts and Bolts will discuss topics related to the overall compliance of the company or program. These topics will support a DC and DM in understanding what is necessary to provide person-centered services while being in compliance to statutory requirements.

​General and company-specific topics include:

  • How to read and understand MN Statutes, chapter 245D
  • The two categories of 245D services and their support requirements
  • Designated Coordinator and Designated Manager qualifications and responsibilities
  • DC/DM qualifications and responsibilities according to 245D including the development of positive support strategies
  • Staff orientation and annual training needs and topics
  • 245D required policies and procedures
  • Organization and tracking for person-specific, staff, and company files

This field can be overwhelming and confusing! The Nuts and Bolts will provide you a solid foundation for compliance requirements for services and supports. Knowing the state regulation is vital to following licensing requirements. The reasons of "I didn't know that" or "I was never trained" should never be used. Take time to develop your awareness, confidence, and skills as it relates to implementing and enhancing your agency's compliance!

Audience: Managers and executive staff who are responsible for 245D oversight.

CEU Contact Hours: 8.4 for Nurses, 7 for Social Workers



Lunch is included



Classroom (In-Person) - Early Bird Discount

lunch included

Classroom (In-Person)

lunch included


STAR Services, Inc
1295 Bandana Blvd North #135
St Paul MN 55108

PARKING: After turning onto Bandana Blvd W, the Atrium Building will be directly ahead, beyond the stop sign. Parking is available on both sides of the building and the adjacent parking ramp on the east side. Monday-Friday during business hours, use the MAIN, WEST, or NORTH entrances. EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS, use the Main or North entrances. The EAST entrance DOES NOT have access to the rest of the building. VIEW PARKING AND ENTRANCE MAP