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Person-Centered Outcomes 💻

Wednesday, 26 October '22   10am – 11am CDT
Person-Centered Outcomes 💻

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


What do you dream about? What are your hopes for yourself? Everyone has desires that motivate them to improve and grow in their lives. The people we support often experience "dreams" or "outcomes" that are forced or placed upon them. Person-centered outcomes are solely developed by the person, for the person, and create an opportunity to learn and grow in their chosen path of life. In this course, we will discuss how to learn more about the person and their dreams and goals. Also, we will examine "no longer acceptable outcomes" and how to develop compliant outcomes that the person has chosen to accomplish. How can we as providers understand the heart of person-centered outcomes while meeting the requirements of regulations? The first step is changing our mindset from "old school" to "new school!" Counteracting traditional or service-based philosophies with person-centered philosophies is the heart of change and learners will feel empowered to do just that after this session!

Course objectives:

  • Understand what the regulations tell us about person-centered outcomes
  • Define and describe what are meaningful outcomes to the person
  • Compare and contrast person-chosen versus support team chosen outcomes
  • Explore traditional supports that leave the person behind versus person-centered supports that move the person forward
  • Review outcome regulatory requirements including implementation and documentation strategies
  • Move forward with positive changes to develop person-centered outcomes

CEU Contact Hours: 1.8 for Nurses, 1.5 for Social Workers


Registered participants will have access to the session recording for two weeks following the training.



Virtual Classroom - Early Bird Discount

Available until Wed 5 Oct '22 10am

Virtual Classroom

Available until Wed 26 Oct '22 9am

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