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Positive Supports Rule: Permitted Actions 💻

Wednesday, 7 May '25   10am – 11am CDT
Positive Supports Rule: Permitted Actions 💻

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


When people think of permitted actions, they often assume they don’t use them with the people they support. However, permitted actions are quite common and are a frequently missed documentation requirement. Permitted actions are ways in which we can better support someone through touch and positive redirection.

In this course, you will learn:

  • The definition of permitted actions
  • MN Statutes, Chapter 245D's list of permitted actions
  • MN Rules, Chapter 9544's list of permitted procedures
  • How to recognize the difference between a permitted action and prohibited procedure
  • Documentation requirements for the use of planned permitted actions in each person's support plan addendum

When we increase our knowledge of these actions, we can then train our staff to understand and implement them correctly. Helping staff know the difference between permitted actions and prohibited procedures can help reduce or eliminate possible maltreatment. Now, that is a great benefit to providing person-centered, high quality supports to people!

CEU Contact Hours: 1.2 for Nurses, 1 for Social Workers

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Registered participants will have access to the session recording for two weeks following the training.



Virtual Classroom - Early Bird

Available until Wed 16 Apr 10am

Virtual Classroom

Available between Wed 16 Apr 10am and Wed 7 May 9am

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