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Writing the Self-Management Assessment 💻

Thursday, 10 November '22   10am – 11am CST
Writing the Self-Management Assessment 💻

This is an online event.

Joining instructions will be provided after booking.


The Self-Management Assessment (SMA) is often misunderstood and under utilized. This person-centered document is one that reflects the person's strengths and functional skills and abilities! This foundational document to developing positive support strategies is key to ensure amazing services! Designated Coordinators and Designated Managers (DCs/DMs) use this document to first focus on what the person knows and can do to self-manage. Areas where they may need support are then developed based upon the principles of person-centered practices. This class will teach you all the many details that are assessed and documented for each person receiving 245D intensive support services. You will also learn how to avoid common errors and how to base your supports on the information included in the document.

Course objectives:

  • Recognize the purpose of the SMA and the timelines for completion
  • Understand the difference between strengths, functional skills and abilities, and behaviors and symptoms
  • Identify and document the staff supports used to address any behaviors and symptoms
  • Learn writing techniques to develop a strong, person-centered document

CEU Contact Hours: 1.8 for Nurses, 1.5 for Social Workers


Registered participants will have access to the session recording for two weeks following the training.



Virtual Classroom - Early Bird

Available until Thu 20 Oct '22 10am

Virtual Classroom

Available until Thu 10 Nov '22 9am

Online event information
