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Overview of 9544: The Positive Supports Rule 🏢

Wednesday, 19 July '23   9am – 3:30pm CDT
STAR Services, Inc, 1295 Bandana Blvd North #135, St Paul MN 55108
Overview of 9544: The Positive Supports Rule 🏢


"During my licensing review, I was told that my agency wasn't following the Positive Supports Rule and we received a violation! We don't use restraints and don't support people with challenging behaviors so the PSR doesn't apply to us! Does it?!" These statements are all too common and the Positive Supports Rule (PSR) is often misunderstood. All providers licensed under MN Statutes, chapter 245D are also required to follow the PSR whether or not they support persons with "challenging behaviors."

Course objectives:

  • Walk through the Positive Supports Rule and its requirements
  • Learn the difference between interfering and target behaviors and recognize what support is needed
  • Determine who is a Qualified Professional and how and when a Functional Behavior Assessment is completed
  • Understand the major principles of positive support strategies and how providers document them
  • Explore the 5 Stages of Crisis and proactive and reactive strategies to address each stage
  • Learn the three different types of procedures found in the PSR and 245D: permitted, restricted, and prohibited
  • Review emergency use of manual restraint (EUMR) requirements including policy, practice, and training
  • Understand staff training requirements to be completed at orientation and annually thereafter
  • Learn what and how to report on the Behavior Intervention Reporting Form

Participants will learn all about the PSR and the requirements for providers in order to remain in compliance to state regulations. All persons supported deserve to be treated with dignity and respect! The PSR is one way in which the state ensures that this is occurring and will hold providers accountable to it!

CEU Contact Hours: 7.2 for Nurses, 6 for Social Workers



Lunch is included



Classroom (In-Person) - Early Bird Discount

Available until Wed 28 Jun '23 9am
lunch included

Classroom (In-Person)

Available until Tue 18 Jul '23 9am
lunch included


STAR Services, Inc
1295 Bandana Blvd North #135
St Paul MN 55108

PARKING: After turning onto Bandana Blvd W, the Atrium Building will be directly ahead, beyond the stop sign. Parking is available on both sides of the building and the adjacent parking ramp on the east side. Monday-Friday during business hours, use the MAIN, WEST, or NORTH entrances. EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS, use the Main or North entrances. The EAST entrance DOES NOT have access to the rest of the building. VIEW PARKING AND ENTRANCE MAP