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Throwing for Beginners

The Clay Studio, Barnsgate Manor, Heron's Ghyll, East Sussex, TN22 4DB
18 år och över


Detta event är tyvärr fullbokat men du kan ansluta dig till väntelistan.

Ange dina kontaktuppgifter nedan så skickar vi dig ett mejl så fort en plats blir ledig. Du måste svara snabbt på mejlet för att garantera dig din plats när en plats blir ledig.

Du kommer få ett mejl ifall en plats blir ledig.
Detta är valfritt men kan vara användbart ifall vi behöver nå dig.


  • fre, 19 apr '24   13:00 – 16:00 BST  - Gjort
  • fre, 26 apr '24   13:00 – 16:00 BST  - Gjort
  • fre, 3 maj '24   13:00 – 16:00 BST  - Gjort
  • fre, 10 maj '24   13:00 – 16:00 BST  - Gjort
  • fre, 17 maj '24   13:00 – 16:00 BST  - Gjort


Please join us at The Clay Studio for a 5-week beginner's throwing course. You will be alongside other beginners, starting from scratch learning a range of wheel throwing pottery techniques. This course is ideal for anyone keen to have some fun, and to learn new skills and techniques. There will be more focus on practising rather than keeping.

It is open to adults (18+). The cost includes instruction, refreshments and five items to keep. This is included in the price. We will recycle any other pots you have made, or you can pay for any others beyond the three included which will be weighed and charged for per 100g to cover the materials and firing costs.

The pots you keep will be glazed for you and you can pick them up a few weeks later.

Should you wish, this course leads nicely into longer mixed-ability classes at The Clay Studio.

This course is led by Helen Ashton.

Nivå: Beginners Welcome, Beginner


Please wear an apron or clothes that can get a bit mucky.

Biljetter / Bokningstyper



Kursbiljett - som inkluderar samtliga alla 5 datum.
The cost includes instruction, refreshments and five items to keep.


The Clay Studio
Barnsgate Manor
Heron's Ghyll
East Sussex
TN22 4DB


  • Parkering