Gbgimpro Comedy Night - Henriksberg
Tonight's performance is a pilot performance. Everything is in English and we will try some new formats during 2 acts. We will film the performance. Come and be our test audience, completely free!
If you take any photos etc. please tag us and follow us on social media @gbgimpro
ACT 1: Gbgimpro's Houseteams Lillebror & Helium
ACT 2: Gbgimpro's main ensemble
Emerging from Gbgimpro, one of the leading improv groups in Sweden, comes the ensemble of Gbgimpro with their show The Visit. With a passion for stories and a preference for tickling the funny bone, they seek to connect people through world class tomfoolery.The Visit is about how the audience gets to take a look into someone's home and see their everyday life. It’s a show about recognition but also how odd we all tend to be as human beigs. It’s authentic and honest, absurd and hysterical, just like life itself.
Information for the audience: The ensemble will begin the show with a short interview with the audience as an inspiration for the show.
Var: Henriksberg källarplan, Stigbergsliden 7
Improkomiker: Anton Romanus, Sandra Rositzka, Jonas von Essen, Johanna Samnegård, Tony Johansson, Martin Rositzka
Improv Comedy stilen är det mest populära inom humor i USA och har bland annat varit en stor influens till Saturday Night Live. Nu spelas det även här, men är helt påhittat i stunden. Välkomna!
OBS! Genom att boka biljett till denna föreställning godkänner du även att vi filmar och fotar under kvällen. Materialet kan komma att användas i marknadsföringssyfte.
Föreställningen rekommenderas för vuxen publik och är på engeska
Dörrarna öppnas kl 18:30 och föreställningen börjar kl 19:00!
Ingen publik är med uppe på scenen.
Hör av er till Henriksberg för mer information om lokalen:
073 078 19 16
073 826 86 41
Ledsagare går alltid gratis på våra föreställningar. Maila oss för att boka ledsagarbiljett.
ATTENTION! By booking a ticket for this performance, you also agree to us filming and taking photos during the evening. The material may be used for marketing purposes.
The performance is recommended for adult audiences and is in English
Doors open at 18:30 and the show starts at 19:00!
There is no audience on stage.
Contact Henriksberg for more information about the venue:
073 078 19 16
073 826 86 41
Companions always attend our performances for free. Email us to book an escort ticket.
Kostnad | ||
Gbgimpro Comedy Night - Henriksberg (pilot performance in English)
Gbgimpro Comedy Night - Henriksberg Tonight's performance is a pilot performance. Everything is in English and we will try some new formats during 2 acts. We will film the performance. Come and be our test audience, completely free!ATTENTION! By booking a ticket for this performance, you also agree to us filming and taking photos during the evening. The material may be used for marketing purposes.
0,00 krFree |
Stigbergsliden 7
414 63
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